Golden Hour Newborn Photos: Seattle


Seattle’s beaches are perfect for taking family newborn photos, especially during the golden hour. The mix of blue skies and the sound of gentle waves creates a serene setting for baby photos. It’s worth knowing that babies really love the new-to-them sounds of being outdoors. As a Seattle newborn photographer, I love capturing these precious golden hour newborn photos where the city meets the ocean.

Capturing Moments Amidst the Crowds

Seattle beaches during the summer can get quite busy, so I highly recommend scheduling your session just before golden hour. For this family, we waited until late afternoon to begin their golden hour newborn photos. What you don’t see in these photos are all the people in the background. Sometimes we get nights where everyone in the neighborhood decides to lay a blanket and enjoy the weather—that’s exactly what happened for this session. Not to worry, because I was able to work fairly quickly to ensure we captured some beautiful family beach memories.

Choosing the beach for your golden hour newborn photos also brings a unique Seattle twist. The combination of urban and natural elements reflects the city’s spirit and adds a special touch to your family’s story. Plus, there’s something about the open space and fresh air that makes everyone feel nostalgic, leading to effortless, candid photos.

Styling Services for Your Family Photo Session

Whether you’re a local or just visiting the Emerald City, Seattle’s beaches offer a picturesque and peaceful environment for your golden hour newborn photos. As your Seattle newborn photographer, I’m here to help you capture these early memories in a setting that’s as beautiful as your family’s love. Book a session with me online and start planning your golden hour photos with me today! This client utilized my one on one complimentary styling services which are included with all my sessions. I look forward to helping you plan your family photos this year!

seattle newborn photographer
seattle newborn photographer
newborn seattle family photos
newborn seattle family photos
with love,
Maria Alcantara